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Old 08-13-2013, 12:11 PM   #14
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Just trying to breathe through the pain. Sometimes when I get caught up in it, I forget to breathe! It is like I want to be the martyr and hang onto it for some reason. Poor, poor me, pour me another one.

Posted on Five As - 2010
Something the program has taught me, stay in the moment and breathe. Not just through the pain, but the stress, and the things that trigger the stress.

The body does tell you if you listen. Mental and emotional pain can make itself known physically.

Like when my feet and ankles are pain, I ask myself, "Do I need to stop and think about where I am going? Am I on the right rode? Stop don't go there, give this some thought."

A cough can be suppressed anger, resentment, and not able to speak up for what you believe to be your truth. It is a suppressant but can also say, "Shush Up! Don't speak those words. Are you going to hurt someone by not being open minded, patient and tolerant?"

Back ache has a lot to do with anger. Justifiable or unjustified, it isn't healthy, and we need to let go, or change the circumstance that cause our anger.

Listen to your body. I had to learn to give myself permission to do things, because I used my bed for years, I stuffed feelings with food, and picked up a cigarette if I didn't want to feel an emotion.

The body protests when it doesn't get what it needs, be it rest, nourishment (preferably healthy choices), food in healthy amounts and eating on a regular basis. If you don't eat, you bloat and you become fatter. Food for the body, mind and spirit. Put some music on, light some candles, do a meditation, spend time with your God and look for the Good Orderly Direction He has for you. As a result, you will receive the Divine Order Good that you need.

Each day is a new beginning, so have a good one. Give yourself a hug. You deserve it. You are not your disease. You are a child of your God, who love you. Learn to love yourself, even get to like yourself too, that is the hard one.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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