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Old 10-16-2017, 06:21 PM   #7
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Food For Thought

October 16

Admitting Wrongs
Step Ten reminds us to continue to take daily inventory and to promptly admit when we are wrong. By admitting our mistake out loud to the person we have harmed, we clear away bad feelings and guilt. The relationship is healed, and we are able to put the error behind us. Admitting that we are wrong helps us even more than the person we have injured.
Since it usually takes two people to disrupt a relationship, the entire blame may not be ours. Admitting our share of wrong, however, relieves us of guilt and opens the way to reconciliation.
Being able to apologize simply and sincerely means that we are not bound by pride and egotism. We do not always have to be right. By accepting our human fallibility, we are free to be ourselves, to make mistakes, to correct them, and to make amends.
Admitting wrongs keeps us honest with ourselves, with others, and with our Higher Power. We stay anchored in the real world and we practice healthy humility.
May I not be too proud to admit I am wrong.
Had the thought yesterday about how I have always liked to bend or break rules. I went with my Fibromyalgia group for dinner at this restaurant and everyone ordered decaf coffee. I ordered the real thing. Like sour cream, I don't want the 1% or 2%, I may settle for 5%, but most times I get 14%. I haven't always done what was good for me.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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