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Old 09-14-2013, 10:26 AM   #3
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Default Daily Feast - September 16th - 22nd

September 16 - Daily Feast

Perception can be very wise but reading between the lines in other people's lives is only guesswork. By rationalizing and putting two and two together it can almost be assumed that something is a certain way, right? Wrong. People identify with other people because of their likenesses - but there is nothing new under the sun. Human nature is human nature and will stay that way until we all stand close enough to the divine. We are ever so much better served not to guess about other people. And we are better people when we mind our own business.

~ The Apache was unlike any other Indian Tribe the whites have ever fought....He saw no reason for fighting unless there was something tangible and immediate to be gained. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 16

"To me, the wisdom the Elders have to manifest is in teaching people how to live in harmony and balance with each other and the Earth."

--Sun Bear, CHIPPEWA

You cannot give away what you don't have. You need to give away what you have in order to keep it. Our Elders have lived their lives with a lot of trial and error. They have experienced how to do things good and they have experienced what didn't work for them as they grew old. They know things about living that we don't know. So, through the years the Elders have gained wisdom. They usually have a whole different point of view because of all their experiences. There are two ways to learn. Someone tells us what they did and we do the same thing or someone tells us what they did and we choose not to do it. Both of these paths will help us to live.

My Creator, teach me about choices and decisions and consequences. Put an Elder in my life to guide me.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Irritation, they say, is something gentle folk should never know. Always passive, they go along the way smiling, no matter what the cost to feelings. But have you ever tried to smile when all the street lights are red and someone honked loudly when you failed to move quickly enough.

Have you heard a politician slur the name of your candidate....and had a promise broken without so much as a faint explanation. Or perhaps the long explanations on how to do something you've done for years....and suddenly you want to make two lists of people you like and people you don't like!

And maybe you've answered the telephone and heard them hang up simply because your voice was not the right voice.....Or had them stand back empty handed while you with your packages opened the door for them?

Well, it's no easy matter to be gentle folk and the mildest can get angry all over again by just thinking of an injustice. Perhaps it is trifling to let such little things irritate. But the best of us feel the small things that we never quite get over. We forgive and forget except to think about it occasionally, and then we must consider the words of Seneca, "Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes it."

We live in a continual round of adjustments. It is usually an admirable thing to be able to make adjustments easily. Not many can. And, yet, it makes us wonder at times if those who can so freely change and move without emotions have ever felt very deeply.

We tend to cling to familiar things and familiar customs. There is such great security in traveling a way we know by heart. The roughest road can usually be traveled without incident when we know every turn and bump.

It has been said by those who do scientific research that it takes at least three weeks to adjust to changes. But three months would do it more justice. And it must be done by abandonment, by setting aside for a period of time all things like the old way. Many times it is done not for ourselves alone, for it is foolish to believe a change involves only ourselves.

In our very complex way of life there is no situation to affect only one person. And often the most wonderful thing we can do for someone else is to find our own balance by making adjustments quickly, even in the middle of chaos.


September 17 - Daily Feast

We all know the difference between right and wrong. Even without teaching there is an innate knowing that reminds us when we have overstepped our right or someone else's. Every time we prefer not to keep a law or a rule we say it was put in place to punish us. But it really says to go this way and you will be protected, like driving the right way on a one-way street. But natural laws are for our good as well. They are reflections of spiritual laws and should be revered. Respect for ourselves and for others covers a multitude of rules. Akin to love, it saves a person from himself.

~ When people come to trouble it is better for both parties to come together without arms, to talk it over, and find some peaceful way to settle. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 17

"The old people must start talking and the young people must start listening."

--Thomas Banyacya, HOPI

We are at a critical time in transferring cultural knowledge, spiritual ways. During the last few years the young people have not been interested in learning the old ways. The only place this knowledge is found is among the Elders. We must encourage the young to visit with the Elders. The adults need to think also about learning the culture. The Elders are getting old and soon will go to the other side. Each of us must pause and think about our individual responsibility to learn the culture and teach this to our young.

Great Spirit, help us to learn and remember the old ways.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Everyone is a collector of something. And everyone's collection looks peculiar to someone else. And yet, who knows why an item may have a certain appeal to one particular person. The shape, the color, the whole idea may have a hidden background, but it is most definitely there!

It may be old books, or magazines. Perhaps it is pill bottles, fishing hooks, or something "I may need someday when...." Who knows the reason old calendars continue to hang, and scraps of this and that may someday be just what I need.

But more dear than any of these are the happy thoughts we collect to use along the way. We can use them to cheer someone, to pass along a word of courage, a simple prayer, a smile. And when someone has time to share with us an experience that we may profit by the pain they felt - yes, these are collector's items. These priceless bits of life's fabric, woven by someone's cares and offered to us in hopes that it will help.

Whatever it is that we collect, we must never forget the dearest collections are the kindnesses, the thoughtful acts, the smiling faces that can be ours by giving the same.

What could be so priceless as true friendship? Friends for which time and space do not exist! It is written, "What a great blessing is a friend with breast so trusty that thou mayest safely bury all thy secrets in it, whose conscience thou mayest fear less than thy own; who can relieve thy cares by his conversation, thy doubts by his counsels, thy sadness by his good humor, and whose very looks give thee comfort."

All of us have had many friends, but the special ones remain forever in our memories. The dearest are those who believe in us and are willing to trust us with their friendship.

We cannot force friendship. It is something mutually felt, mutually understood and silently accepted. It is our opportunity to demonstrate our very best selves - to ask no questions and to pass no criticisms.

"Before us is a future all unknown, a path untrod; Beside us a friend well loved and known - That friend is God."


September 18 - Daily Feast

We are conditioned to stampede. Heard the latest? Then run! Run on the inside even when your body is perfectly still. Run up your blood pressure because what you see and hear is not fair - not in keeping with what you have always believed. Things are not always going to be the way we think they should. They never have been and they are not likely to change this week. But listen, be glad you know the difference. And be glad there are others who agree with you, but don't plan on that making a big difference in the way the world thinks. Plan to go on thinking fairness - it is the seed that will eventually produce.

~ Osages have talked like blackbirds in the spring. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 18

"I walk in and out of many worlds."


In my mind are many dwellings. Each of the dwellings we create ourselves - the house of anger, the house of despair, the house of self pity, the house of indifference, the house of negative, the house of positive, the house of hope, the house of joy, the house of peace, the house of enthusiasm, the house of cooperation, the house of giving. Each of these houses we visit each day. We can stay in any house for as long as we want. We can leave these mental houses any time we wish. We create the dwelling, we stay in the dwelling, we leave the dwelling whenever we wish. We can create new rooms, new houses. Whenever we enter these dwellings, this becomes our world until we leave for another. What world will we live in today?

Creator, no one can determine which dwelling I choose to enter. No one has the power to do so, only me. Let me choose wisely today.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Have you heard how dreadful the neighbors are these days to ignore another's plight, and how the world has gone to the dogs because people don't care? Have you heard how hardened hearts are and how callous and unfeeling the human race has become?

It may be true such things do happen....for we hear about it daily. But it likely is that we hear more about the unusual.

For have you heard about the builder who laid his own plans aside to help another build his house....and the lady who gave her home and nursing care to someone who had no other place to go. Or the child who found its needs fulfilled in the love of a foster mother.

We may ignore, but we can never erase the love of the human race for the human race. The world may abound with sordid happenings; it may revel in senseless activities. But called to help, the greater number will respond without thought of the cost to themselves.

Of these things we hear so little. With these we come in contact every day and accept it as the normal pattern of life....which it is....for each unthinking, infantile mind there are two great thoughtful ones. And the second great Commandment still works its wonders in all our lives.


September 19 - Daily Feast

Eagles soar more surely than we walk - but even so we are eagles in spirit. Physical wings are not so important to us if we can free our spirits to soar. As a symbol of freedom, the eagle builds its nest higher than any other nests and its eyes have vision that can survey anything moving far below. It sets its wings to catch the wind and its flight is graceful and beautiful. Unlike us, it takes time to renew and restore - even its beak is renewed and its old feathers replaced with new ones. When we set our minds and spirits to do something, nothing can bring us down. But rest and renewal are necessary - and never just luxuries to be avoided.

~ I am here by the will of the Great Spirit, and by His will I am chief. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 19

"I am building myself. There are many roots. I plant, I pick, I prune. I consume."

--Wendy Rose, HOPI/MIWOK

The most sacred thing on this Mother Earth is life. My life on this earth is governed by God's laws, principles and spiritual values. These things are my roots. Let me see Your gifts of growing and becoming a spiritual warrior. Make my strength based on values - spiritual values; on principles and laws, the laws of God that really run the universe. We need to realize the seeds we plant in the spring will be what shows up in our summer season of growth and will be the fruits that we will harvest in our fall season. We really have a lot to do with what shows up in our lives.

Great Spirit, let my seed that I plant today be based on values that will make You pleased with my selection.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

We are all aware of the emotional effect color creates. And for this reason we choose colors that please the eye by first pleasing the inner emotions. Certain colors have the same effect on many, while other colors affect each of us individually and in particular ways.

Red has an exciting effect; green is cool serenity, orange is the color of vivacity; and brown tones are restful earthy colors. People dress to enhance their appearances with certain colors. Homes are decorated and offices are planned to create pleasant surroundings.

And we as individuals possess moods of many colors. Yet, we are far more careless about the color of that mood, letting the attitudes and colors of others dictate to us how we are to behave. If we could remember when we meet people whose moods are black, to remind ourselves that their moods are their own, there would be less involvement in the emotions of others.

We are so vividly aware of color, we must not be reckless in recognizing the color scheme within our own personality. Whether it is a vibrant color, sophisticated, or bright and witty, color always works its subtle magic.


September 20 - Daily Feast

Touching the earth is resting on the breast of our mother. It is once again finding out beginnings - a knowing that this place where we stand or walk or plow or plant, is something created for us. We know it because the pulse of the earth slows our own and tranquilizes our confusion. Seeing the sky in all its limitless depths stirs our imaginations and stretches our awareness of the simple beauty provided for us. We can see that it is wrong to be bitter and know that it lasts only as long as we let it. When we reach toward the ceiling of our minds, we are as unlimited as the sky. As currents of air stir the fragrance of the flowers, we may not be able to see where it comes from but we sense its influence. Life is ours to enjoy as individuals and it comes from the Great Holy Spirit.

~ We sang songs that carried in the melodies all the sounds of nature.... ~


"A Cherokee Feast of Days" by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 20

"You will only get back what you give out."


The Great Spirit created a system of balance and justice. This law says, if you treat others with respect, you will be treated with respect. If you gossip about no one, no one will gossip about you. If you are fair in all of your dealings, you can expect the same. If you share with others, others, will share with you. If you judge others, others will judge you. You will always get back what you give out. The original teaching talks about being a giving person. A giving person will constantly be on the receiving end.

My Creator, help me to be a giving person today.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

The native American believes that he must have balance if he is to have healing. His equilibrium must balance between his mental and spiritual influence. Such things may seem complicated in themselves but the simplicity is profound when we finally discover what it is.

In most cases, balance comes from what we say to ourselves in the silence of our minds. It is what we direct our minds to do at all times. Simple steps, pick the feet up and set them down, don't drag. Don't hang onto anything and everything. Say balance, say power, say to the feet and legs to do their work.

Eat for strength and keen minds. Stop saying how tired and how nervous we are. Say, I am strong. I have sufficient to meet my every need. Just words? Yes, but words that balance.


September 21 - Daily Feast

Can there be anything more beautiful than the seasons of a tree? A tree stands in beauty from year to year and keeps its grace and dignity. Its secrets are at its center and it tells nothing of people and their passing events. We learn when we watch a tree. It constantly prunes itself, continually sheds any excess. When it is growing in a difficult place it sends down deep roots to grapple for a firm footing. Every leaf is unique and beautiful - but they also serve to remove toxic poisons from the atmosphere, and send out a clean fragrance to shade us from heat. To sit beneath a tree, or to lie on the earth beneath an oak is the essence of pleasure. But to see the topmost leaves that no human hand has ever touched is to see a common miracle - a miracle with a message that says to get a firm footing in everything that is good and stand tall with our eye on the sky.

~ It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. ~


"A Cherokee Feast of Days" by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 21

"Everything is laid out for you. Your path is straight ahead of you. Sometimes it's invisible but it's there. You may not know where it's going, but still you have to follow that path. It's the path to the Creator. That's the only path there is."

--Leon Shenandoah, ONONDAGA

Everything on the earth has a purpose and a reason for its existence. Every human being is a warrior and every warrior has a song written in his/her heart and that song must be sung or the soul forever remains restless. This song is always about serving the Great Spirit and helping the people. This song is always sung for the people. Many times I need to learn much about the difficulties of life. I need to know this, so I must experience it. Then I can be of use to the people. Because I am experiencing difficulty does not mean I have left the path or that I have done something wrong. It means I'm doing the will of the Great Spirit during these times of testing. I need to pray constantly to keep a good attitude.

Great Spirit, this I know - You will never leave me, only my doubting makes it seem like You do. This I know - Your love is always dependable, only my doubting makes it seem like You do. Today remove the doubts from my belief system and allow me to stand straight and see You with straight eyes.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

The first day of fall brings with it the promise of quiet and peace. A stillness permeates the woods and about the only sounds are woodpeckers drumming on a hollow tree and blue jays squawking at squirrels they cannot tolerate. A sweet peace that connects with us and helps us relax.

The hills are rose-beige and rounded on top with horses grazing quietly along the sides. Deep ravines where water has eroded the dirt are dark marks such as a child would make with a crayon, and most likely have housed a bobcat or two.

This is the season when we do not hunker down and endure but we enjoy to the utmost. The color, the fresh air, the fall fruit and vegetables and smell of earth turned up by the plow. If something is not right, fix it, and don't let this pleasant time go to waste!


September 22 - Daily Feast

Like attracts like. If we give up, so will others. If we cry, so will they. But if we decide this is a new beginning, others will take courage. We influence other people. Our attitudes send out ripples of feeling - like the scent of flowers that floats on air currents. What we think and say sets the stage for what is to happen. We can change our minds, our words, our attitudes, and we stop crying. We act like our prayers are already answered and take steps to show we believe it. When the early morning sun breaks through the far side of the woods, the dark places are lighted and much healing takes place. And so it is with us.

~ Great Spirit, you lived first, and you are older than all need. ~


"A Cherokee Feast of Days" by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - September 22

"I think the spiritual values come first and everything else follows."

--Leonard George, Chief Councilor

To properly develop, the human being needs to learn the guiding principles. It is from these principles that we make our decisions. Spiritual values are the guiding principles given to us by the Great Spirit. He says if we live by these spiritual values, the results we experience will be good. These spiritual values will develop and guide the human being by helping us to think right. Right thinking will improve our choices and decisions. Doing this will bring good consequences.

Great Spirit, teach me values first.

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

The first day of fall brings with it the promise of quiet and peace. A stillness permeates the woods and about the only sounds are woodpeckers drumming on a hollow tree and blue jays squawking at squirrels they cannot tolerate. A sweet peace that connects with us and helps us relax.
The hills are rose-beige and rounded on top with horses grazing quietly along the sides. Deep ravines where water has eroded the dirt are dark marks such as a child would make with a crayon, and most likely have housed a bobcat or two.
This is the season when we do not hunker down and endure but we enjoy to the utmost. The color, the fresh air, the fall fruit and vegetables and smell of earth turned up by the plow. If something is not right, fix it, and don't let this pleasant time go to waste!
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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