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Old 08-06-2013, 06:44 AM   #2
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August 6

AA 'Big Book' - Quote


To those now in its fold, Alcoholics Anonymous has made the difference between misery and sobriety, and often the difference between life and death. A.A. can, of course, mean just as much to uncounted alcoholics not yet reached.
Therefore, no society of men and women every had a more urgent NEED for continuous effectiveness and permanent unity. We alcoholics see that we must work together and hang together, else most of us will finally die alone. - Pg. 561 - 4th. Edition - Appendices - I - The A.A. Tradition

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

Learning to let go does not mean to stop caring. It means that you cannot do it for someone else. Nor can they do it for you. Only you can listen, go to meetings, follow steps--your parents, friends, or partner can't do it for you.

Help me understand that for those I love to let go of me, means they are giving me a chance to get well.

Inner Hearing, Inner Sight

Today, I will trust my own heart. The clear message that whispers within me has more to tell me than a thousand voices. I have a guide within me who knows what is best for me. There is a part of me that sees the whole picture and knows how it all fits together. My inner voice may come in the form of a strong sense, a pull from within, a gut feeling or a quiet knowing. However my inner voice comes to me, I will learn to pay attention. In my heart I know what is going on. Though I am conditioned by the world to look constantly outside myself for meaning, today I recognize that it is deeply important for me to hear what I am saying from within. I give myself the gift of listening.

I will trust my inner voice.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

Before our recovery we used people and loved things and given recovery we learn to love people and use things. Things are not important, people are.

I treat others the way I would be treated.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

You can work the Steps to get out of trouble or you can work the Steps to stay out of trouble.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

Today I do not need to say the first thing that comes into my head, or react to what others say about me. Today I can practice restraint of tongue and pen. I will think before I speak and say kind things or nothing at all.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

Non alcoholic beer is for non alcoholics. - Anon.
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