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Old 07-10-2014, 01:54 AM   #10
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Thursday, July 10, 2014

You are reading from the book Food for Thought

A Progressive Illness

It is the experience of recovering compulsive overeaters that the illness is progressive. The disease does not get better; it gets worse. Even while we abstain, the illness progresses. If we were to break our abstinence, we would find that we had even less control over our eating than before.

Continued abstinence is our only means of health and sanity. We well remember the misery and despair that we felt when we were overeating, and we do not want to feel that way again. Abstaining from one compulsive bite is a small price to pay for health and sanity.

When we find ourselves thinking thoughts, which in the past have preceded loss of control, we need to realize the great danger that lies in a relapse. The OA program has saved us from the destruction of compulsive overeating, but our disease is still alive. Our program needs to be foremost in our minds every day if we are to continue recovering.

Do not let me forget my illness.
As they say on Novemeber 11th, "Lest We Forget." This is a one day at a time program, and I can't forget where I was, where I came from, and where my illness took me.

I must never forget, my recover is about today. It isn't about what I did in the past or plan for tomorrow, it is about today.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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