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bluidkiti 09-16-2015 06:25 AM

September 16

Passion and energy

If you want more passion and energy in your life, act like it. Instead of depending on passion to push you into action, take action, and that action will create passion.

Passion doesn’t just come out of nowhere. It comes from being involved and invested in life.

If you’re not passionate about doing something, that’s completely normal and understandable. Get yourself involved in doing it anyway, and suddenly the passion is there.

If you’ve been searching endlessly for things you can be passionate about, search no more. Simply do something useful, then do another thing useful, and soon you’ll feel that passion you seek.

When you can’t think of a good reason to take action, here’s a great reason. Once you begin to act, plenty of reasons, along with passion and energy, will appear.

Put effort into what you care about, even if you only care a little. Your effort will bring your caring and your passion to a whole new level.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 09-17-2015 07:29 AM

September 17

Accept the challenge

Don’t fight your problems, because they will fight back even more fiercely. Allow them, accept them, and you gain the power to move beyond them.

Don’t pretend or wish or hope that the difficult situations are nonexistent. They are real, and it is by acknowledging the reality of their challenges that you begin to successfully address those challenges.

You are so powerful, so resourceful, so very determined and effective, when you allow yourself to be. Stop running, stop hiding, stop fighting, and let yourself start creating.

Start creating your life from a perspective of love. Instead of being fearful, anxious, angry or in denial about what is, be filled with joy about what you can now do.

Life is difficult, and in that difficulty you can experience your great, positive power. Accept what is, and feel the power rise within you.

You have done many great things, and you have much more to offer. Accept the challenge, and let it bring forth the best you’ve ever been.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 09-18-2015 06:28 AM

September 18

Turn it into a good thing

If you’re disappointed with yourself, with someone else, with a particular situation or just with life in general, you’re at a powerful starting point. You can channel that energy of disappointment in a positive direction and do great things with it.

Feel the disappointment, and then let it pick you up, push you forward and get you going. Suddenly you’re fifty miles down the road, well on your way to meaningful achievement.

Don’t concern yourself with what went wrong, or with whatever things you dislike. Focus your attention on a great, shining vision of how you want life to be.

Give the power of your attention to your positive goals, to your dreams and highest aspirations. Give your time and energy to making all those great things happen.

Doing something positive with your disappointment takes a lot more effort than just sulking and brooding. And yet, very quickly, it feels a whole lot better to be doing something than to just stay mired in negativity.

When life disappoints you, the best choice you have is to turn it into a good thing. In fact, decide to make it into the best thing that ever happened, and leave your disappointment far behind.

— Ralph Marston


bluidkiti 09-19-2015 06:39 AM

September 19

Embrace the bigger picture

Use this moment for more than this moment. Use your energy for more than yourself.

Put some new value in your future. Put some new value in the world beyond you.

If you expect to be rewarded the instant you make the effort, you’ll severely limit what you can achieve. If you live only to meet your own narrow needs, you’ll miss out on life’s biggest opportunities.

Look beyond this moment and beyond yourself. The possibilities are endless, so don’t exclude yourself from the best ones.

You deserve more than merely what’s in it for you right now. You deserve to experience the joy that can be found far beyond your own concerns in this moment.

Embrace the bigger picture that stretches out beyond this time and beyond this situation. Think and act as if you live in a universe of limitless abundance and possibilities, for you do.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 09-19-2015 06:39 AM

September 20

New learning

You’re never too old, too knowledgeable or too experienced to learn something new. It can be positively energizing to learn a new skill or to improve significantly on an existing one.

One big hindrance to new learning is the assumption that you already know enough. In a world where knowledge is increasing at an unimaginable and accelerating pace, that’s an assumption that can get you in trouble.

Be truly thankful for what you know. Then make even better use of that knowledge by building on it.

Your mind benefits from challenging mental exercise just as your body benefits from rigorous physical activity. Keep your mind in great shape by opening it up to new and invigorating challenges.

Make your valuable life experience even more valuable by adding new skills and knowledge to it. With each new thing you learn come great new opportunities.

Open your mind to new learning. And enrich every area of your life.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 09-21-2015 06:28 AM

September 21

Reward yourself

Reward yourself when you follow through and do what you've told yourself you'll do. Reward yourself when you've been disciplined, focused and purposeful.

Behavior that is well-rewarded is behavior that is repeated. So encourage yourself to engage in more positive behavior by being good to yourself when you do.

Offer yourself a small, desirable reward for some specific task you must do, and then work to earn that reward. Give yourself the satisfaction of doing what must be done, and a little something extra.

When you're doing something difficult, you can be tempted to abandon the work and to do something more appealing. However, you can take that tempting activity and promise it to yourself as a reward rather than giving in to it as an escape.

Offer yourself a reward, and appeal to your own sense of propriety and honor by reminding yourself not to cheat. Honestly work your way to the reward, and then you can feel great about what you've earned.

Motivate yourself in a positive way by giving yourself small rewards for your most positive, effective behavior. Those small rewards will lead to the big reward of a more disciplined and productive you.

Ralph S. Marston

bluidkiti 09-22-2015 07:19 AM

September 22

Your best day
Decide that today will be your best day yet, and stick with that decision. Whatever comes along, find a way for it to fit into your characterization of today as the best day yet.

The quality of this day depends far more on your attitude and approach than on the situations you encounter. With a positive, empowered perspective, you can create value out of any situation.

So go ahead, and decide you will. Go ahead, and make the commitment to make this your best day yet.

As long as you're going to put your time and energy into living this day, it makes sense to get the very most out of it. So promise yourself that you will get the most, in a positive, loving way, for your world, for yourself and those you care about, and for all you value.

You don't need anyone else's permission or support to make this the best day ever. All you need is your own choice, plus a bit of resolve and persistence.

Wouldn't it be great to make this very day your best day so far? Go right ahead, right now, and make it so.

Ralph S. Marston

bluidkiti 09-23-2015 06:39 AM

September 23

Powerful to be positive
In the space of a single moment, your life can dramatically change for the better. Without any visible change in your surroundings, without a sound or a look or even as much as a twitch from you, suddenly you can be a whole different person.

Choose to change your attitude, and you can immediately be living in a new world. Choose a positive attitude and suddenly you have placed yourself in a world filled with positive possibilities.

Your attitude determines what you see and how you see it. Your attitude determines what you are willing to do with whatever is available to you.

Certainly there are plenty of valid reasons to go through this day with a negative, despondent attitude. But even if there are a million compelling reasons to be negative, there's a reason to be positive that outweighs them all.

The fact is, a positive attitude empowers you in the way that nothing else can. The more reasons there are to be negative, the more powerful it is to be positive.

So, you can make excuses or you can make your way forward. Instantly change your life for the better, be positive, and get the power that enables you to do great things.

Ralph S. Marston

bluidkiti 09-24-2015 06:43 AM

September 24

Missed opportunities
There is no limit to the number of ways you can experience joy. So there is no reason to ever stay disappointed about missed opportunities for joy.

Take that disappointment and let it push you forward to express and experience new joy. It could very well be that you discover a joy even more profound than what you missed out on.

Life's good possibilities keep on coming. Don't miss the next one because you're too wrapped up in disappointment over the last one.

Instead, take it upon yourself to be a conduit for life's best joys and possibilities. Let go of the past and give yourself plenty of space to experience a positive and fulfilling moment right now.

Enjoy the big, momentous events, the small, intimate moments, and everything in between. Decide that you can experience joy in the most unlikeliest of places, and you will.

Though you may have missed out on a few good things, they are far outnumbered by the whole world of positive possibilities in which you're now immersed. Step joyfully forward and delight in bringing the best of those possibilities to life.

Ralph S. Marston

bluidkiti 09-25-2015 06:41 AM

September 25

Everyday creativity

Sometimes creativity starts with a flash of inspiration, but that is actually pretty rare. Most good and valuable creations are made by people who simply get started and stick with it.

Certainly it is romantic to think you have a special muse who bestows her creative brilliance upon you from time to time. In between those scarce celestial moments, though, it's good to have a more practical plan.

In fact, all sorts of magnificent, soaring fruits of creativity come about through plain old hard work. From rocket ships to business plans, musical compositions to golf lessons, magnificent paintings to website forms, creativity is an everyday affair.

You don't have to be a celebrated artist or film director to be meaningfully creative. You just have to take the time, do the work, and put your care and attention into it.

Life itself is a continuing creative process, and you have an opportunity to participate in it every day. Decide to make a positive difference, follow through on your decision, and you're being creative in a valuable way.

Gather inspiration from all the creativity you experience around you, and then do the work to make even more goodness in life. Whether your muse is calling to you or not, create something wonderful out of every day.

Ralph S. Marston

bluidkiti 09-26-2015 06:38 AM

September 26

The brightest part

Make it your purpose to be the brightest part of someone's day today. Make it your business to be in the business of spreading good cheer to anyone you come in contact with.

Every person's life in this fast-paced world is filled with too many passionless transactions and not enough genuine interactions. So take each opportunity to be truly human to other humans.

Life is more than some bland spreadsheet where success is defined as just more of the same standard stuff. Life is the chance to be joyful in a million more ways than anyone has yet thought of.

Discover again and again how good a smile feels to give. You'll probably even experience how nice a smile feels to receive.

Make someone's day and it will make your day in a way that cannot be denied. Let go of the silly pretenses and let yourself be actually silly, in a way that is good and fun.

The world desperately needs what you can find real delight in giving. Shine a bright and positive light, and enjoy in the warm feeling as it reflects back on you.

Ralph S. Marston

bluidkiti 09-26-2015 06:40 AM

September 27

Make it your choice

Let go of the thoughts that you need to do, that you need to have, and that you need to be this or that. Embrace the opportunities to choose to do, choose to have, and choose to be.

If you’re constantly catching up with your needs, you’re operating from a perspective of weakness. Instead, see the tasks, commitments and responsibilities as things you have chosen, and give your life the positive power it deserves.

From all the available possibilities, your choices have brought you to where you are today. Going forward, your choices can take you where you wish to go.

Don’t discourage or frustrate yourself by seeing yourself as burdened with needs. Make it your intentional choice to do what you do, and discover your true power and effectiveness.

Put energy, joy and satisfaction into your work by choosing to get it done. Add great value to your relationships, your commitments and responsibilities by choosing to honor them with the way you live.

Don’t let the perception of need enslave you. Allow the reality of your positive choices to give the power of purpose to all you do.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 09-28-2015 06:25 AM

September 28

Every choice you make

When faced with a choice, you don't have to make the easiest choice, or the most popular choice, or the most comfortable choice. You can make the best choice.

Choices matter, and what you do with your choices will determine what you do with your life. Put strength and intention in your choices, and that strength will ripple through all your moments and circumstances.

Every choice is an opportunity to make your future a more positive place. Every choice is your chance to move your life in the direction you most desire.

The best choices are not easy, but you're capable of much more than just taking the easiest path. You are destined for greatness, and your choices, large and small, are what will take you there.

Make choices that the strongest, most positive and successful person you can imagine would make. Make those choices consistently, and you will be that person.

Life unfolds in accordance with the choices you make in every moment. Now is your moment, this is your choice, and with it you can do great things.

Ralph S. Marston

bluidkiti 09-29-2015 06:58 AM

September 29

Be at peace

Quiet your mind. You don't have to think through every moment before you live it.

Certainly it is good to think and to live intentionally. It is also good to sink into peaceful awareness.

Just be. Stand and simply experience what is in front of you, not what you worry about or imagine.

Refresh your memory of what it feels like to live a while with no agenda other than to be. Amaze yourself at the sheer beauty of life in an utterly ordinary place and time.

Allow yourself to fully experience what is here, what is now, and what is real. Yes, imagination is powerful, and action is essential, but not all the time.

Let your thoughts, your feelings and your whole self be at peace. Then take from that peace the strength to move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and vigor.

Ralph S. Marston

bluidkiti 09-30-2015 06:04 AM

September 30

Slight improvement
There's a way you can make a slight improvement to something today. Then tomorrow, you can make a further slight improvement to the improvement you've already made.

A slight improvement is easy to make, so easy you can do it every day. And that's where its great power comes from.

When you build just a little bit each day on top of what you've already built, you can build truly great and valuable things. By disciplining yourself to consistently make slight improvements, you end up with major, life-changing achievements.

Too often we strive for sudden, dramatic changes, and almost as often are disappointed when they are beyond our reach. Yet the little improvements, the ones no one notices, are the most reliable and consistent way to move ahead.

To reach the big dreams, find ways each day to take small steps. A slight improvement here, a little progress there, a little more progress on top of that, and soon you have achieved a great deal.

Today is filled with opportunities to make those slight improvements, so seize those opportunities. And have fun knowing that you're headed steadily and reliably in the direction of your dreams.

Ralph S. Marston

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