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yukonm 06-15-2014 07:15 AM

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Decide with your heart

Decide with your heart, and then do. Decide with your heart, and then stay decided until the job is done.

Decide to do what you know is right for you. Then don’t let anything stop you from getting it finished.

Feel the doubts and fears, and then move forward anyway. Each time anyone tells you why you can’t, remind yourself again of why you must.

If circumstances are less than ideal, so be it. You can deal with the challenges as they come, and move steadily toward the achievement of what you’ve decided.

Decide with your heart, and you’ll naturally be committed to that decision. Whatever may come, you’ll know you have what it takes to get the job done.

From the depth of your being, from the truth in your heart, decide what you will do. Then delight in the process and in the fulfillment of getting it done.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-16-2014 06:40 AM

Monday, June 16, 2014

Let your enthusiasm show

When you’re enthusiastic about something, you can often appear foolish and naive. Be enthusiastic anyway.

Sometimes your enthusiasm will be misdirected, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with enthusiasm itself. Just make the correction, and let yourself be even more enthusiastic.

Enthusiasm keeps you young, vibrant and involved in life. Enthusiasm allows the immense power of your authentic self to flow freely into the world around you.

Enthusiasm makes you interesting and causes people to want to be around you. Enthusiasm is contagious and can be used to create wonderful, positive things in life.

Don’t let yourself be embarrassed to be enthusiastic about the things that matter to you. It’s a fantastic thing to live a life of positive purpose, and to be highly enthusiastic about doing so.

So go ahead and let yourself be wonderfully, refreshingly enthusiastic about this day, this place, and this opportunity to make the most of it all. Let your enthusiasm show, and you will show all the world how great life can be.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-17-2014 06:10 AM

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The opportunity of this day

Today, life will give you the opportunity to be honest. Take that opportunity, and keep yourself aligned with the power of truth.

Today, life will give you the opportunity to be compassionate. Take that opportunity, and feel the priceless satisfaction that comes from making a difference in the lives of others.

Today, life will give you the opportunity to act with discipline and focus. Take that opportunity, and enjoy the fruits of being highly effective in whatever you do.

Your life today will give you the opportunity to learn, to achieve, to enjoy, to reflect, to share, to listen, to understand and to love. Embrace each opportunity that comes your way with gratitude, enthusiasm and a sense of positive purpose.

On this day, life will give you the opportunity to be your best, to live and to act true to the unique and beautiful person you know you are. Take that opportunity, and run with it.

If you’ve been wishing and waiting for a perfect opportunity, it is here and now. This day will be what you make of it, and there’s no opportunity better than that.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-18-2014 06:16 AM

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Get up and get to work

If you’re disillusioned with life, get up and get to work. Do something useful, get yourself busy making a difference, and you’ll soon feel your faith in life being renewed.

If you’re frustrated or angry about something, get to work. Before long, you’ll find your focus shifting from the problems and frustrations to the possibilities and opportunities.

If you’re tired and weary, stop and rest for a little while, but not too long. Then get back up, get yourself working on something meaningful, and you’ll feel a renewed sense of energy.

It’s natural to feel lousy when you’re not making a contribution to life, but the answer is not to curse the lousy feeling. The answer is to get yourself doing something that will truly matter.

No matter how young or old or strong or infirm you may be, there’s good and useful work you can do in your own special way. Assume that there’s something valuable you can do, and from that perspective you’ll discover new and energizing ways to lift up life.

If life is troubling you or even if it’s not, get up and get to work. Make a difference with your efforts, and you’ll make your own life immensely better.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-19-2014 07:29 AM

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Get out of your own way

Don’t waste your energy being resentful about the distractions or blaming the interruptions. Just go ahead and cheerfully deal with whatever comes along.

Don’t use up all your time complaining about the problems or worrying about the challenges. Instead, be thankful that you’re able to do something positive with them, and then get busy.

There is so very much you can achieve if you’ll simply get out of your own way. There is so much you can do when you stop second-guessing yourself and allow yourself to take action.

By all means think about what you’re doing, but don’t let the thoughts get in the way of doing. Anticipate the possible problems but don’t let those imagined problems prevent you from moving forward.

You owe it to life to express your unique perspective by creating new, original value and richness in the world. You owe it to yourself to wake up every morning and spend every day free of any self-imposed limitations.

Step forward with joy and live your life. Discover in each new moment how much better you can make it.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-20-2014 06:04 AM

Friday, June 20, 2014

Useless envy

Getting envious doesn’t get you much. When you feel envy, make the choice to take the energy of that feeling and to point it in a more positive direction.

A much more empowering alternative to envy is gratitude. Envy creates a feeling of lack and limitation, while gratitude fosters a mindset of abundance.

When it comes to the things that matter, there’s never any reason to be envious of anyone else. You can always choose to live your life in a way that’s the most positive and fulfilling for you.

When there’s something about someone else’s life that appeals to you, look for ways to transform that feeling into positive action. Rather than being envious, be inspired.

Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, think of all the positive, value-creating things you can do. No matter where you are or what you have, there’s a world of opportunity available to you.

Make the commitment to act on that opportunity, and to bring new, unique goodness to your world. Get beyond the useless envy, and enjoy filling your life with true richness.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-21-2014 07:55 AM

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Live with humility

Humility is surprisingly empowering. Sincerely putting others first is an excellent way to get yourself ahead.

When you decline to grab the credit for the good things you do, others will be much more willing to work with you. When you’re not afraid to admit you don’t know it all, others will be happy to help you learn.

Boasting will never earn you any positive impressions. It mainly makes you look foolish and insecure.

Choose instead to regularly look at life from other peoples’ perspectives. Do what is best not for you alone, but what is best for everyone involved.

It is nearly impossible to achieve real success by being centered only on yourself. The best thing you can do for you is to consider what’s best for everyone else.

Always remember that true greatness does not have to be announced. Live with humility, with compassion and positive purpose, and live with that true greatness.

— Ralph Marston


MajestyJo 06-21-2014 02:05 PM

When I had 6 years of recovery, I heard a long-timer share his story. He said, "If someone says they are humble and have humility, they don't have it. Then he followed it up with "Hi my name is Len, and I am a humble alcoholic.

When I think I know it all, I know nothing. I was told that you had to be open to learning. Be teachable!

So many people mistake humility with humble. It is not the same thing, and humility is a feeling I felt when I thought I had failed and done less than my expectations and that of others. Most times it wasn't mine to take on, or it was a lesson learned, and it depended on how open my mind was, as to whether I was willing to acknowledge it.

Thanks for all your shares.

yukonm 06-22-2014 07:52 AM

Sunday, June 22, 2014


The solutions to your most difficult problems already exist. Open yourself to their possibility and you will most certainly discover them.

Whatever you desire is already connected to who you are and what you now have. Bring that connection to life with your thoughts, your feelings and your actions.

Your worries, complaints, anger and resentment cast a dark fog on the world that appears in front of you. That prevents you from seeing all the good things already available to you.

Accept that anger, that resentment, those worries, and then quickly let them go. Allow yourself to enter fully into this moment that is now, with a clear mind and a peaceful heart.

Allow the joy, allow the sadness, allow the triumphs, the disappointments, the rich texture and fullness of life. Allow it all to work for you, and to carry you steadily toward the ever-increasing fulfillment of your very own special purpose.

Make loving use of this day to do what you can do, from where you are, with what you have. Trust that it will move you quickly forward, and it surely will.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-23-2014 07:11 AM

Monday, June 23, 2014

Peace and quiet

Action and excitement and activity are all great. So are peace and quiet.

If you spend all your time having entertainment and information fed to you, there’s no time left to find meaning in it all. On a regular basis, disconnect from the constant feed and reconnect with the beautiful reality of who you are.

You don’t have to see and hear and know everything the instant it happens. Much of the value of knowledge comes from taking the time to process what you know.

Your power to imagine is one of the most useful and valuable abilities you have. Yet if you are constantly overloaded with intense incoming sensations, your amazing imagination will begin to wither.

There’s exquisite music of your own making to be found in moments of peaceful silence. For a little while, let go of what they are saying and rediscover who you are.

Delight in the sights, sounds, thrills and excitement of life. And find profound treasure in the peace and quiet.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-24-2014 06:41 AM

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Urging you forward

Your purpose won’t scream at you all the time. Though if it did, you’d be continually smothered in delightfully good fortune.

Purpose does whisper in every little thing, in each feeling, experience, preference, desire and joy. It is not loud yet it persistently calls, and you’re smart to listen.

Climb the challenging trail unfolding from that purpose of yours. You’ll accumulate joyous new fulfillment not only at the summit, but also all along the way.

How you feel about life says much more about you than it does about life. Pay attention to those feelings, learn what drives them, and choose to follow the unshakable, underlying yearning from which they spring.

Purpose pulls you through the struggle, then is deepened and enriched by that same struggle. When you know you must act no matter what, it is purpose urging you forward.

Find it, feel it, and allow that purpose to inform and energize all you do. Let it propel you to the rich and fulfilling life that is yours to live.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-25-2014 08:49 AM

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Trust yourself

Trust yourself to love what you truly love. Have plenty of confidence to say what you really want to say.

Life is too precious to always be asking permission. Go ahead and live your authentic purpose in every thing, in every moment.

Have faith in what impassions you. Go with what you know is good and right, energizing and empowering.

Anyone else’s mere opinion about you is that person’s concern, not yours. Trust in your unique worth and beauty, for they are absolutely there.

Be endlessly curious and joyously delighted about whatever you care about. Let yourself be fascinated by the special, sparkling gems of life that catch your eye.

You already know how to live richly. Trust yourself, and do it.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-26-2014 07:02 AM

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Presence of possibility

Forget what you think you know, and remember who you know you are. Let go of the need for sensation, and experience the miracle of existence.

Breathe deeply the sweet, cool presence of possibility. Life means markedly more, yet a glorious place to start is with the meaning you give it.

Dart quickly from the thought that anything is mundane. Every great and tiny thing is anything but.

Your longings are not strange or irresponsible. They are you, and indeed your responsibility is to indulge them in creative and beneficial ways.

Joy is not some fleeting, fashionable amusement park ride. It is the gift you can inject into even the smallest, most ordinary moments, again and again.

Lovingly immerse your world in the unique joy you keep longing to create. All is now possible, and from that limitless realm your choices make life magnificent.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-27-2014 06:55 AM

Friday, June 27, 2014

Delight yourself with amazement

Challenge is inconvenient and yet it is so absolutely necessary. Effort is not always fun and yet it gives you access to the good, fun and fulfilling parts of life.

Though in the moment it may seem unfair or tedious or boring or frustrating to make the effort, get past all that. Go ahead and do what must be done, especially including the hard stuff.

Looking back on the effort, it will not look so bad. In fact, looking back you’ll be quite thankful you did it.

So now, when the opportunity is here, do it. Now, when your destiny is begging you to respect it, to follow it and give value to it, get going.

Muscle your way through, or finesse your way through, or do what it takes to get it done. Though at the beginning you may not feel you’ll like it, you will come to like it in a deeply satisfying way.

It is amazing what you can do when you put mind, body and spirit into it. Go ahead, do the hard stuff, and delight yourself with amazement at how great it is.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 06-28-2014 07:17 AM

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Spectacular world

This is a spectacular world. Make the commitment, right here and now, to be a more active participant in it.

Enjoy the wonder and beauty, but do more than just enjoy. Utilize your life, your time, your skills to make a whole lot more wondrous things and experiences in this world.

You have a crazy unique song to sing and an absolutely enthralling story to tell. Tell that story and sing that song in ways that will enrich the lives around you.

Sincere thankfulness will get you everywhere. Passionately demonstrate your gratitude for this spectacular world by making it even more so.

Dive into the experience of each day with the goal of making it more fulfilling than any previous day you’ve known. As each new moment arrives, find something new and purposeful and valuable to do with it.

Remind yourself often that you’re gloriously alive in a spectacular world. Find real joy and richness in living up to that promise, again and again.

— Ralph Marston


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