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yukonm 03-16-2014 06:42 AM

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Responsible and confident

Responsibility and confidence go hand in hand. Only when you are willing to be fully responsible for your life can you be truly confident in your efforts.

Without responsibility, you might be able to project some degree of self assurance through arrogance. Yet it will lack the power of true confidence.

When you’re unwilling to take full responsibility for your own life, think of the message that sends. In effect, you’re telling yourself you’re not good enough, and that’s devastating for your confidence.

You are indeed good enough, and capable of rock solid confidence. The way to connect with and strengthen that confidence is through responsibility.

Don’t blame your bad fortune on others, or expect others to supply you with good fortune. Enthusiastically embrace complete responsibility for the quality of your life.

Embrace responsibility and your confidence will soar. Embrace responsibility and confidently live life on your own very best terms.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-17-2014 07:18 AM

Monday, March 17, 2014

Be truly inspired

Be inspired by life, and yet go beyond being merely inspired. Act on your inspirations.

Let life stir your passion, and let that passion push you into action. Let the outstanding, meaningful ideas flow, then do something real and useful with them.

Each time life makes a profound impression upon your heart, resolve anew to make a difference. Take the real goodness you see, and be the living instrument through which it is amplified and expanded.

There is so very much that can inspire you, in the ordinary moments as well as in the extraordinary experiences. Consider each inspiration as a starting point from which you can do truly amazing things.

There is a reason why you feel that warm, right and wonderful sense of inspiration. It resonates so well with you in order to give power and authentic purpose to your actions.

Follow that purpose, and make the most of that power. Be truly inspired to act on your inspirations, and lift all of life to inspiring new heights.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-18-2014 07:45 AM

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The opportunity is now

Right now is your opportunity to fully live this day. It’s an opportunity that will never come again.

If you waste the opportunity that is now, you are guaranteed to deeply regret it later. If you make the most of the opportunity of today, then tomorrow you’ll have access to an even greater opportunity.

To live a rich, fulfilling life, you must do valuable, fulfilling things. Today is when you can choose to do those things.

You can either punish yourself by avoiding the opportunity of now, or you can reward yourself by doing all you can to make the most of it. Think of that when you’re deciding how to spend the next moment, and the rest of this day.

There is unclaimed value right in front of you, right now. By giving of yourself and by sincerely making your very best efforts, that value can be yours.

If you wish to fill your life and your world with richness, the opportunity is now. There is so very much to give and to live, so get busy and do it.

— Ralph Marston

yukonm 03-19-2014 07:36 AM

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Start right away

Careful and detailed planning is essential to any achievement, and yet the planning is not the achievement. To achieve any goal you must act on it, and the sooner you begin to act, the better.

The first thing to do is to do something. Instead of speculating, or debating, or making excuses, or wondering, step forward and take action.

You cannot learn what works until you actually do some work. Begin, learn, adjust, and continue acting with growing wisdom and experience until the goal is reached.

Yes, you can benefit greatly from the experience of others. And the way to do that is to continue adding your own experience to it.

If there’s something you intend to do, get started. If you don’t take the first step immediately, it’s not really an intention but merely an empty wish.

You are fully capable and fully deserving of the great, rewarding experience of achievement. Start on it right away, right now, and bring that experience to life.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-20-2014 07:54 AM

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Feel a little goodness

Feel a little of life’s goodness and let that goodness be magnified throughout your being. Feel a little goodness and make a lot more.

There is goodness everywhere. Open yourself to it, expect to experience it in every situation, and you will.

There are times when it is clear and obvious how truly good life is. Yet even when it is not so obvious, that goodness is most certainly there.

Remind yourself how good life can be, and bring that goodness wherever you are. Share the goodness, and suddenly there is much more.

Instead of assuming that life must be disappointing, give life a chance to be good. Give goodness a place to be in your life, and it will be.

On any given day, whatever the circumstance, life is as good as you allow it to be. Feel a little goodness, then feel a little more, and make life the best it can be.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-21-2014 07:47 AM

Friday, March 21, 2014

A way to be thankful

When you find a way to be thankful for something, you find the value in it. When you find a way to be thankful, you find a way to benefit.

That is especially true when you’re thankful for things that would not seem at first to be beneficial. The more you can be thankful for, the more real, meaningful value there will be in your life.

Be thankful for the difficulties. Your gratitude will make them less difficult and much easier to bear.

Be thankful for whatever you’ve just experienced. In that state of thankfulness you’ll find powerful lessons to be learned.

Gratitude enables you to see anything in a whole new, empowering light. Be thankful, and you’ll understand how truly rich you already are, and how much more richness you can now create.

Find a way to be thankful, and you’ll discover many new ways to move forward. Find a way to be thankful, and you’ll see that limitless abundance is yours to live.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-22-2014 07:27 AM

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Powerful acceptance

Life is as it is in this moment, and it’s powerful to be able to accept that. Yet just because you accept what is, here and now, doesn’t mean you must be resigned to letting it stay that way.

Yes, you can accept even those things you don’t agree with or approve of. It is your acceptance of reality that positions you to change and to improve upon that reality.

Accept the moment, and find great value in it. Accept the situation, whatever it may be, and enable yourself to move positively forward from it.

It can be tempting to simply avoid or deny the truth. Eventually, though, you must accept and deal with the truth, and the sooner you choose to do so, the better.

Visualization can be a powerful tool, yet merely pretending that something is true does not make it so. Visualize the way you desire for life to be, and accept that you must work to make it so.

Accept and embrace the reality of what is. Then take it and make it the best it can be.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-23-2014 07:26 AM

Monday, March 23, 2009

Positive beginning

Would you spend your hard-earned money buying things you didn’t want or need? Of course not.

So why would you spend any of your precious and powerful thoughts on things you don’t want? It makes much more sense to focus your thoughts on the positive, desirable things you would like to create and expand upon.

The thoughts with which you choose to fill your mind have a direct influence on the people, things, and events that surround your life. Every moment, with each thought, you have the opportunity to point your life in a specific direction.

The way you think about life plays a major role in the way your life unfolds. Again and again, choose those thoughts that resonate with a life that’s rich, joyous and fulfilled.

You think thousands of thoughts each day. Use the opportunity of each thought to push you toward the precise life you wish to create for yourself.

Everything in your world begins with a thought. So use your thoughts to give everything a powerful, positive beginning.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-24-2014 08:17 AM

Monday, March 24, 2014

Empowering positive energy

Negative thoughts affect more than just your mind. Those thoughts create negative energy that flows destructively throughout your entire life.

If you are extremely negative about one thing, that negativity seeps into everything. That’s why it is so important to transform the negative influences into positive thoughts and endeavors.

There will always be people, events and circumstances that have the potential to get you down. However, you don’t have to let them keep you down for long.

Much of what comes to you, and happens beyond you, is out of your control. Yet you always can precisely and dependably control what you do with it.

The best thing to do with whatever happens is to find a positive, purposeful way to respond. If something threatens to get you down, choose to do something even more consequential that lifts your world up.

Instead of letting the negativity drain you, create your own empowering positive energy. A positive response is always there, so find it and choose it every time.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-25-2014 06:20 AM

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Keep pushing forward

When you feel like quitting, you’re actually closer than ever to getting the work done. Keep going, keep moving, keep working and finish the task.

When it seems that you’ve run out of ideas, you’re actually opening yourself to new, more workable, more powerful ideas. Keep going, move on past the discouragement, and let those new ideas flow.

Sure, you can think of plenty of reasons to stop short of the goal. Yet there are even better reasons to push yourself forward so the goal is reached.

If the work has been difficult and challenging, that’s certainly no reason to stop. In fact, that means you’ve got a whole lot invested in what you’re doing, so keep going and reap the rewards of that investment.

You already made the choice to get started, so choose right now to reaffirm your commitment. Keep up the good and valuable work, and get the results you desire.

This is a great day to make real progress, so make the most of it. Keep going, keep pushing forward, and keep creating real, meaningful value in your world.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-26-2014 07:58 AM

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Big break

Stop looking, wishing and hoping for some other person or outside event to give you a break. Go ahead and give yourself a big break.

The perfect opportunity is not the one that exists only in your fantasies. The perfect opportunity is the one you have right now.

You have the opportunity, on this day, in this place, to do good and valuable things that will move your life forward. You can have the big break you desire by working to make it happen.

If you wait for conditions to be perfect before taking action, all you’ll ever do is wait. Go ahead, with things just as they are, and do all you can.

Accept the fact that it is indeed difficult to move your life and your world forward. When you stop fighting against the difficulties, and simply work your way through, they are not nearly so difficult.

This is the time you have, and this is the time to act. Give yourself a great big positive break today, and feel the joy as your most treasured dreams begin to come to life.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-27-2014 08:11 AM

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Let yourself be yourself

Make this day about fulfilling your possibilities, not about satisfying your ego. Make this day about being your authentic best, not about appearing to be impressive.

Free yourself from the burden of worrying about what others might think of you. Use all that liberated energy to make a real, substantive difference in the world.

If you let your ego run your life, it will impose a great cost and leave you with nothing of real value. Raise your expectations higher, and go far beyond those burdensome superficial concerns.

You are genuinely beautiful, worthy and have much to offer life. Let yourself be your authentic self, and let that beauty come forth.

Do what you’re most passionate about doing. Let go of all the things you do to merely keep up appearances.

There is immense value in the unique, authentic person you are. Today, and every day, generously share that value with all of life.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-28-2014 07:40 AM

Friday, March 28, 2014

Highly worthy

You deserve the very best. And you deserve the experience of creating it in your life.

Those who tell you that you’re undeserving are wrong. Those who tell you that you can have something for nothing are just as wrong.

Yes, on this very day you are worthy of the best life you can imagine. And on this very day, you have the opportunity, and the responsibility, to bring that life into being.

What a waste it would be to live at less than your highest level. What a shame it would be to squander even one day of your unique, highly worthy life.

What you have is amazing and filled with great promise. So put in some effort that’s fully worthy of that great promise.

You deserve a life that’s rich and full, and you deserve to be the one who makes it happen. So get up, get busy, get going, and discover how truly deserving you are.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-29-2014 05:53 AM

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Relax into the effort

Make the effort, with passion and persistence, but don’t make it into a struggle. Take action, but don’t add your own tension or conflict to it.

To be highly effective at what you’re doing, be at peace with what you’re doing. To be confident in your actions, genuinely enjoy those actions.

It may seem to be a contradiction to take action and to relax at the same time. In fact, it is a powerful combination.

When you’re not fighting against your own efforts, you can devote all your positive energy to bringing about spectacular results. When you find enjoyment in working through the challenges, you’ll transform those challenges into great value.

If you’re busy being uptight, you’re not getting anything done. Instead, be good with what you’re doing, and you’ll be very good at whatever you’re doing.

Accept, enjoy and relax into the effort. Find delight and fulfillment in peacefully being your authentic best.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 03-30-2014 07:13 AM

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fill each moment with value

Don’t settle for just staying busy or merely passing the time. Make use of your time and effort to create real value.

When the day is done, when the job is through, it won’t really matter whether it was difficult or easy, frustrating or amusing. What will continue to make a difference is the value you create.

Today, and every day, you have the opportunity to make life more meaningful and valuable. There are countless options available to you for doing that.

You can build something new, or improve what already exists. You can create wonderful experiences, or share your insights with others.

The possibilities for creating value are limited only by your imagination. And now is the time when you can make that value come to life in your own unique way.

To fill your life with richness, fill each moment with new and meaningful value. There’s always a way, and it always will pay.

— Ralph Marston


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